March 19, 2012

Liquid Gold (aka Chicken Stock)

{ Chicken stock from the leftovers of one rotisserie chicken.  
Labels are self-stick notepads from last year's IJM's Global Prayer Gathering. }

Who doesn't love rotisserie chicken (well, besides vegetarians and my mother-in-law who has an abnormal aversion to anything chicken)?  Now our family has been around the block when it comes to store-bought rotisserie chicken.  We've tried one at nearly every location that offers it (including some specialty shops), and we have yet to find one better than  . . . Costco's.  And at $4.99, you can't beat the price!  I always wonder how they can offer it at such a low price and how they keep their chicken so tender and moist (I plan on asking at my next trip).

Anyhow, the thing I love about rotisserie chicken is its many uses.  I love shredding the chicken and using it for all kinds of different recipes (which I plan on sharing later).

The thing is, though, that most people are probably missing out on the best part of the rotisserie chicken.


Most people see this and think "trash."  No!  Not at all.  You don't want to throw this stuff out.  It's liquid gold.

You throw that sucker into a pot with water, onions, salt, pepper, celery, and others herbs and spices, let it simmer for a few hours, and you've got yourself the best chicken stock money can't buy.

I've made some of the best chicken soup with this, and I love to use it in my cooking.

And the boys absolutely love it.  They sometimes like it as plain and simple as rice mixed in the broth.   This soup has helped mend many winter colds.  They'll eat it up and sometimes even slurp it up with a straw (why, I don't know).

So next time you see this:

Think this:

And you won't regret it.

This recipe is for the most basic chicken stock involving 5 ingredients.  It tastes amazing.  But for added flavor, you can include celery, carrots, parsley, thyme, and garlic.

Chicken Stock
{Prep time: 10 minutes; Cook time: 4 hours; Makes: 4 quarts}

Carcass and remains from 1 rotisserie chicken
18 cups of water
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 onion, unpeeled and quartered

  1. Place the chicken carcasds, onion, pepper, and salt in a large stockpot. 
  2. Add 18 cups of water and bring to a boil.  Lower heat and simmer, uncovered, for 4 hours. 
  3. Strain contents, using a colander, into another large stockpot. 
  4. Chill broth overnight and remove the surface fat the next day. Use immediately or freeze in containers for up to 3 months.


  1. Though I always make my own roasted chicken, I tend to through out the carcass. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. Thanks for the great tip!

    1. I would love to make my own rotisserie chicken at some point. Do you have a favorite recipe?

  2. This is such a great post with some great ideas... Never thought of using the carcass before! Lovely post, Rachel!

    P.S. - I have a LOT of friends who are IJMers both in India and in the US... How are you associated with IJM? It's a small world :)

  3. Marsha - I was wondering if you knew some IJMers in Chennai! The former director there came to speak to our church at a missions conference a few years ago. And we have a friend who was on staff for a while. I've attended the Global Prayer Gathering the past two years (unfortunately, won't be able to make it this year). I love this organization and what they do!

  4. I don't even want to think about all the great homemade stock I missed out on by throwing out the remains of my roast chicken or store-bought rotisserie chicken. Now I'll buy the latter just to make stock. It really is so much better! :)

  5. i am totally bookmarking this!! we buy rotisserie chicken all the time and making stock with the bones is a perfect idea :D


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